International Shipping for Online Sellers
Simple, Profitable & Risk-Free
Reach new audiences, increase your profits
and enjoy free international returns

Trust, Delivered
Every month we deliver goods worth millions of dollars all over the world. Over 700 marketplace sellers trust us to make it happen. We always do.
Risk-Free International Shipping
Whatever country, whichever product, for any reason – return shipping costs are on us. That way both your profits and reputation remain intact.
Boost Your Profits
Add handling fees, consolidate domestic shipments to our logistics center and of course, enjoy competitive shipping prices. In three words: Boost. Your. Profits.
We Ship, We Support
Our legendary customer service will take care of all shipment issues. Less hassle for you, more satisfied customers. It’s simply better business.
Free For Sellers
Yup. Hipshipper is a free service for sellers. Always. No plans. No commitment. Yes international. Yes shipping.
Hipshipper in Numbers
726 Sellers using Hipshipper
2,634,788 Active listings available for shipping by Hipshipper
93.6% Shipments processed within 1 day
As Featured On
“With free international returns and end-to-end international shipping service, Hipshipper is positioned to become the solution of choice for US-based sellers looking to expand their operations internationally.”
“Hipshipper is an end-to-end logistics solution for any e-commerce seller hoping to break into international selling. Not just a shipping facilitator; it also provides customer service for both Hipshipper users and more importantly, their consumers.”
“With free international returns and end-to-end international shipping service, Hipshipper is positioned to become the solution of choice for US-based sellers looking to expand their operations internationally.”
“Hipshipper is an end-to-end logistics solution for any e-commerce seller hoping to break into international selling. Not just a shipping facilitator; it also provides customer service for both Hipshipper users and more importantly, their consumers.”
How we compare to the alternatives: eBay GSP & DIY
eBay Global Shipping Program Review & AlternativeSee how we compare to the alternatives

Hear it from some Hipshippers
I’m a veteran seller, and in all my years in eBay I only shipped inside the US. Now, with Hipshipper I opened my listings to international customers, raising my profit instantaneously and keeping my customers happy with swift resolutions of return cases.
Yehuda DeutschExcellent service and top notch customer service. Keep it up!
Joe RigoAs an experienced eBay seller, choosing Hipshipper over the safety of GSP was no easy sale. I opted in because, well, because it is free. I stayed because my international sales literally jumped through the roof, with a 300% rise, compared with GSP.
Tung PavintI am getting 4 times more international orders on eBay since I started using Hipshipper. Also, they are very helpful if there are problems.
Amir Ben NatanHipShipper’s free returns saves a lot of the hassle you would normally get with international shipping. That is what tipped the balance between these guys and eBay GSP, in favor of Hipshipper.
Keren GordonInterface is very intuitive and easy to use, customer service and support are quick to respond and, most importantly – you’ll start making real money on your international sales.
Alex SpayvkExcellent Service. There was an uptick in international orders when I switched over to Hipshipper. Also was pretty easy to setup. A+++
Azim SuraniNow that all my international returns are hassle free, it may arguably be the best app you can add to your eCommerce business. Happy I switched from eBay’s Global Shipping since now my international sales are on the rise.
Jamie Fyah Shawn
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